Full manual with screenshots and examples is coming soon.
CSS selectors
If you need to select product title input use input[name="product_description[1][title]"]
Where 1 is your language_id. In next extension version you can use {language_id} variable instead of 1. It will be exploded for all languages present in your store.
Partial selectors
For example you need to select input which name starts with product_description[
Input name ends with ][title]
Input name starts with product_description[
and ends with ][title]
Input contains string title
anywhere in it's nameinput[name*="title"]
These selectors work not only for input and name attribute, but for textarea, div, etc. Combining these selectors you can connect your script almost to any form element.
When editing JSON fields please make sure you use correct structure and escape " correctly, otherwise custom template will not work or return an error.
To validate JSON you can use services like JSONlint.
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