Batch Products Editor (Mass product update)

  • Brand: Cl!cker
  • Product Code: batch-editor
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $60.00
  • $35.00

OpenCart compatibility v.2.0, v.2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v3.0, v4.0, v4.1

This module allows you to find products using different filters and change their properties in a bulk: names, descriptions, prices, specials, options, categories and much more in one click.
Update multiple products in several clicks.

NOTE: demo has limited (readonly) functionality for security reasons

Extension on OPENCART.COM Marketplace
Extension on OPENCART.COM Marketplace

Find products using filters and change their properties in a bulk: names, descriptions, prices, specials, options, attributes, categories and much more.
Manage thousands of your products changing their properties with pleasure, without mistakes and typos in several clicks.
- You need to replace a text in descriptions or names?
- Or you prices have to be raised by 10%? 
- Or you want to add specials to certain manufacturer?
- Or you need to add an attribute to all products from five categories?

This mass product update extension is for you! Numerous filters and actions combinations!

- Filter products by fields:

  • store_id, language_id,
  • categories with subcategories, filters, manufacturers,
  • name, description, meta_title, meta_keyword, meta_description, tag
  • model, sku, mpn, jan, location, etc...
  • date_available, date_added, date_modified,
  • status, price, quantity, stock_status_id, tax_class_id, subtract, shipping
  • weight_class_id, weight, length_class_id, length, width, height, sort_order
  • attributes, options
  • specials, discounts
  • Filter by custom fields in product and product_description tables

- Change filtered products in one click:

  • product to store
  • categories, filters, manufacturers,
  • name, description, meta_title, meta_keyword, meta_description, tag
  • model, sku, mpn, jan, location, etc...
  • date_available, date_added, date_modified,
  • status, price, quantity, stock_status_id, tax_class_id, subtract, shipping
  • weight_class_id, weight, length_class_id, length, width, height, sort_order
  • attributes, options
  • specials, discounts
  • design layouts
  • reward points
  • related products
  • seo urls with template and translit
  • Text fields can be changed in several methods (find/replace, append, prepend, set and clear)
  • Prices can be rounded, prettified ($199 or $99.99), percent calculated

- Can be called from product list page as a popup
- Can be restricted/permitted for different users
- Responsive design
- Fast

Easy installation via ocmod.




1. Adding custom fields for oc_product and oc_product_description tables

  • Click Settings in right top corner
  • Add field in_stock_status_id to Custom Fields [product] input. Coma separated if you want to add several fields.
  • Click Save and restart Batch Editor window.
  • Find your custom field in the end of fields selector popup.


- first release

- some code and design fixes and improvements

- added all possible filters by product and product_description tables
- added all possible changes of product and product_description tables
- filters and some actions are now hidden to save screen space, but can be switched on in popup menu
- added custom fields for product and product_description. If you have non standard fields in these tables, they can be filtered and changed now.

v.1.3.0 (2017-12-27)
- OC 2.3 compatibility
- A lot of fixes, improvements and new features
- Code and design refactoring
- Added or changed work with filters, options, specials, discounts, product to store
- Special/discount/option prices can be calculated from product price now
- Auto refresh product list on batch edit close if any changes were made
- Video tutorial will be updated soon

v.1.3.1 (2018-01-27)
- MySQL 5.5 compatibility fix

v.1.3.2 (2018-02-18)
- autocomplete and datepicker fixes

v.1.3.3 (2018-02-27)
- SQL error fixed when filtered by both product description and product name

v.1.3.4 (2018-03-03)
- Added clear discounts and specials only for certain customer group

v.1.3.5 (2018-03-06)
- Percent price fixes
- Specials and Discounts fixes and filter improvements

v.1.3.6 (2018-03-07)
- Added Clear SEO URLs option
- OC 2.2 compatibility

v.1.4.0 (2018-10-30)
- filter layouts (allow to save your layout and filter values)
- show attributes and filters groups
- replace attribute name with another attribute keeping it's value
- customizable PHP and MySQL timeouts
- added check and notice for PHP max_input_vars setting
- filter only by attribute text, without specifying attribute name
- search empty text values (Contains|Starts|Ends|Empty)
- now search by text using Contains - OR|AND are splitted by || but not by space (|| - can be customized in settings). So you can filter using phrases in product name|model|description etc.
- filter by SEO URL
- clear categories/stores/related, fixed counting cleared products
- show products results in different language when language filter selected
- Fixed search in defferent languages
- memory usage optimisation for big DB
- code, template and design refactoring
- autocomplete for attribute values
- update date_modified for product (can be switched on or off in settings)
- SEO URL generation tab + save settings for this tab
- related products tab
- OC2.1 tpl and language compatibility
- pretty price - (r)eplace ending Ex:0.99 will replace 123.12 with 123.99
- save settings on exit
- fix for browsers, sometimes caching form intput values in hidden fields
- added abstract class with modification functions for developers

v.1.4.2 (2019-03-18)
- autosave and autoload last layout
- filter by special and discount dates
- added reward points
- added design layout
- mark visible fields in popup menu for filter and product action forms
- css fixes

v.1.4.3 (2019-07-30)
- added option types 'text', 'textarea', 'file', 'date', 'time', 'datetime'
- filter by products not assigned to categories
- fixed attributes filter with empty text
- fixed attributes text html entities encode
- option to add filters to categories when adding to products
- option to show product thumbnails in filtered list

v. 1.4.5 (2019-08-14)
- fixed option weight assign
- fixed option values beforeAction event
- started functionality for custom product option values fields
- added --All-- to option values, this will add or modify all option values of an option in one pattern
- filter products with no manufacturer assigned
- filter products with no attributes assigned
- filter products with no filters assigned
- filter products with no options assigned
- minor design fixes

v. 1.4.7 (2019-09-19)
- fix clearing filter layout
- fix filter by store_id
- OC2.0 support
- fix adding and deleting multiple filters
- customizable fields in preview

v. 1.4.8 (2019-11-21)
- fix product rewards duplicates
- fix preg_quote for translit special chars

v. 1.4.9 (2020-04-02)
- fix quoting ' in store names, like Jason's
- fix trim for filtered texts to allow search for words with spaces
- change default price round decimals from 2 to 6 to keep precise values by default
- modification model now can abort default actions and calculate changed products
- fixed attribute replace function
- added tax class and currency selectboxes for price rounding, this allows to get pretty price for not default currency including taxes
- updated alert popup

v. 1.5.0 (2020-06-09)
- Direct SQL filter by "AND {product_id} IN (SELECT ...)"
- Direct SQL action tab with filter by "IN ({product_id})"
- fix attribute insert rewriting existing attribute value text
- speed optimization for Related tab
- speed optimization for changed products count
- speed optimization for Clear tab
- JS code was rewritten

v.1.5.1 (2020-07-12)
- JS language variables fix
- Preview settings regrouped

v.1.5.2 (2021-01-13)
- Fix Related action Clear button
- Filter by product_option_value, for example select Red inside option Color
- Updated alert popup
- Updates check in settings tab

v.1.5.3 (2021-03-27)
- Custom related tables fields
- Clear custom related tables
- Optimized related clear procedure to exclude huge SQL queries
- Minor code improvements
- fix special chars encoding for strings in product/product_description/product_attribute tables, greek and other languages
- fix OC3.0.3.7 twig bug with hidden Name/Model filter
- fix seo_url delete filter

v.1.5.4 (2022-12-30)
- fix float value compare on update
- fix Direct SQL <> special chars escaping
- default latin translit symbols extended

v.1.5.5 (2022-05-05)
- fix PHP divizion by zero error when calculating percent from 0 price products
- multiline replace fields for product descriptions
- PHP8 compatibility

v.1.5.6 (2024-02-29)
- fix products Clear action

v. (2024-07-29)
- OC 4.0 and OC 4.1 compatibility
This is a beta version which may have some minor bugs. Please report to developer if you find any

v. (2024-08-21)
- OC 4.0 and OC 4.1 compatibility
This is a beta version which may have some minor bugs. Please report to developer if you find any

v.1.5.7 (2024-09-23)
- fix option price_prefix update

v. (2024-09-23)
- fix option price_prefix update


Support: [email protected]


1. Unzip archive
2. Copy Upload folder contents to your Opencart root (admin -> admin)
3. Open your shop backend
4. Go to Extensions -> Extensions Installer
5. Install install.ocmod.xml
6. Go to Extensions -> Modifications
7. Click Refresh button
8. Don't forget to set access/modify rights for "extension/batch_edit" in System->Users->User Groups
9. That's all


Support: [email protected]


1. Open your shop backend.
2. Go to Extensions -> Extensions Installer
3. Install
4. Go to Extensions -> Modifications
5. Click Refresh button
6. Don't forget to set rights for "extension/batch_edit" in System->Users->User Groups
7. That's all

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Tags: bulk product editor, batch product editor, mass product editing, mass price change, bulk price update, batch editor, multiple products edit